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Trouver un logement à Orléans

"Finding an apartment in Orléans"
French B1 dictation exercise

Stéphanie is looking for an apartment in Orléans.

Pay attention to the hints!

Some vocabulary you may want to look up before or during this exercise: "être à la recherche de", "une annonce", "la devanture", "une agence", "un F2 (= one-bedroom apartment)", "meublé.e", "être disponible", "louer", "se situer, "un immeuble", "fraîchement", "rénové.e", "un ascenseur", "entièrement", "une cuisine aménagée", "une place de parking", "souhaiter", "avec plaisir", "une clé".

I'll play you French speech in sections for you to transcribe

  • Start by listening to the whole piece then hit start
  • Play each section and write down what you hear
  • I'll show you correct answers after each for you to mark yourself
Start the exercise
How the test works
Clever stuff happening!